Grant Overview
The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is to provide federal funds to states to assist state, local, territorial, and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards, as authorized by Section 662 of the Post Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (6 U.S.C. § 762) and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 5121 et seq.). Title VI of the Stafford Act authorizes DHS/FEMA to make grants for the purpose of providing a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property in the United States from hazards and to vest responsibility for emergency preparedness jointly in the Federal Government, states, and their political subdivisions. The Federal Government, through the EMPG program, provides necessary direction, coordination, and guidance, and provides necessary assistance, as authorized in this title, to support a comprehensive all hazards emergency preparedness system.
This year's EMPG will provide federal funds to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management agencies to obtain the resources required to support the national preparedness goals associated mission areas and core capabilities. The EMPG program supports the quadrennial homeland security review mission to strengthen national preparedness and resilience. The EMPG program supports a comprehensive, all-hazard emergency preparedness system by building and sustaining the core capabilities contained in the goal.
Cost Match
A 50% cost match is required under this program.
EMPG guidance requires a dollar for dollar match requirement (50% federal/50% local) by all subrecipients. EMPG cannot be matched with other federal funds, unless otherwise authorized by law. Match contributions must be reasonable, allowable, verifiable, allocable, and necessary under the grant program and must comply with all federal, state and local requirements and regulations.
Local and Tribal Allocation
MT DES determines the dollar amount of the EMPG award pass through available to local and Tribal government emergency management organizations. If submitted funding requests are less than the total funds available for pass through, then an attempt to accommodate all reasonable and allowable requests will be supported. If submitted funding requests exceed the total funds available for pass through, then funds will be distributed based on the MT DES funding formula. Final award amounts will be adjusted once federal funding availability is known. The goal is to not adjust a subrecipients award more than 5% up or down in a given year, but may need to be adjusted based on available funds. Local and Tribal Government requests for EMPG funding take precedence over other State Agency requests. MT DES retains sufficient funds, as allowed by EMPG guidance, for the Organization and Management and Administration (M&A) of the EMPG program.
Title 2 Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations
On December 24, 2014, FEMA released the implementation of 2 CFR Part 200, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (aka the "Super Circular" or "Omni Circular"). Each applicant has non-federal entity administrative roles and responsibilities as outlined in the new 2 CFR part 200. These roles and responsibilities are in effect throughout this years EMPG grant period, effective 1 July, 2025 and beyond. All applicant costs must comply with 2 CFR Part 200 in order to be considered eligible for funding.
Refer to the FY2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), when it becomes available, for additional information and guidance.